Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blogging: The first few posts

A few months ago I started my blog. I was asked by a fellow educator to reflect on how I feel this process has been going. Although I have not written a lot of posts, I have definitely enjoyed writing my blog, but have realized that it is not something that has been easy. There are things I am passionate about, teaching physical education is one of those passions, hence my blog Making a Difference Through Physical Education. I am continuously trying to think of creative posts to write about that I not only find interesting, but that also might be of interest to other physical education teachers. As difficult as it is to think of ideas that I feel I can effectively write about, I always try to allow myself to reflect on my own teaching abilities, as well as what works for me and what doesn't, which has been very beneficial. I have also taken an interest in reading other blogs and learning from fellow educators. Blogging is definitely becoming more popular, and it allows us to generate our own thoughts for others to view. In the end, the main reason I am blogging is to share my knowledge or lack of knowledge with others, because I am always looking to improve upon my own teaching abilities. If you have any thoughts on blogging or have found things that have worked well for you, please send me a post.